
Media Buying

From integrating any media channel to uploading creatives to analyzing media performance, Pingtree gives you the tools to make your media work for you.

Media Buying

Pingtree has made media buying a seamless process. Through tracking link attribution, you're able to buy media and see how it's performing in real-time just as you would with a marketing partner or custom source.

How Media Buying Works


Media Buying Parameters

Add in both system generated and/or custom parameters that you want passed through with your lead data that's being generated through media.

Managing Media Channels By AMID

AMID or Ad Manager ID is the parameter that is passed through to identify ad manager in a given media channel.


Within your campaign's media buying section, you will see an "Integrations" tab. In here you will be able to view all avaialble media connections.

Using Media Integrations

Within your campaign's media buying section, you will see an "Integrations" tab. In here you will be able to view all avaialble media connections.

These connections are based off of the media channels that were previously added for integration in the "Media Buying" tab.

Select the "plus" icon next to the media source in order to connect to your campaign.

Enabling Integrations

Within your campaign, navigate to the Media Buying tab and then into your integrations tab. This section will show you all of the available media channel connections. Simply click on the "plus" to enable the integration. Once you see it turn into a green checkmark, that media channel is considered fully integrated into your campaign and you can begin utilizing it.

Integration & CRID Relationship

CRID is a unique parameter that identifies the specific creative ID that is used. When this parameter is pulled in, you'll be able to associate all performance metrics associated with the creative.

Media Buying Creative

Creatives are the advertisement copies used to facilitate the lead traffic to an offer or endpoint.

These can come in the form of UGC Videos (User-Generated Content), Images, Keyword Search, Blogs etc..

Creatives CRID

When you upload a creative into your creative library, Pingtree attributes a unique identifier for the creative called a Creative ID or "CRID".

This identifier is used to track performance metrics of this specific creative among different campaigns

Linking Creatives From Creative Library

Once a creative has been created and uploaded in your creative library, you will associate the creative with a media channel.

In your media sources view or in your tracking links view, you will find the tracking link for the media source.

Due to the fact that each creative is assigned a unique CRID, once this creative has been used to create a lead, you will see this creative populate within your creatives at the campaign level.

Media Buying Creative Performance

Within your individual campaign, Pingtree gives you the ability to compare the performance of your creatives.

View metrics generated from your different creatives such as conversions, conversion rate, cost per acquisition, revenue etc...

Pingtree also provides a custom creative comparison builder. In this section, you can pick from all of your avaialble creatives you wish to compare and the metric you want to base the comparison off of. Easily swap out the creatives you're comparing with a click of the mouse.

Analyzing Creative Sets


Availble Metrics

Below are some of the metrics used to analyze creatives and overall media channels:


Revenue Profit Margin Payouts/Cost

Performance Based:

CPA (Cost per Acquisition) CPC (Cost per Click) CVR (Conversion %) Total Conversions Unique Clicks Gross Clicks

Traffic Sources & Media Channels