
Available APIs / Postbacks / Other

An API or an Application Programming Interface is a set of protocols and tools that allow different software applications to communicate and interact with a database.

Pingtree has a wide variety of APIs, postbacks and additional methods of data transmission which allow you to tailor how you can send and receive data from other parties and platforms.

Platform Level

The Pingtree platform is compatible with many different 3rd party platforms to ensure data is securely and reliably stored, delivered and received both internally and externally.

Database API

There are numerous types of Database APIs

Native APIs: Specific to a particular database management system such as MySQL API and MongoDB API. These APIs provide direct access to the features and capabilities of a particular database.

Open Database Connectivity (ODBC): This API acts as a bridge between applications and other databases and allows them to communicate regardless of the underlying database management system.

Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Similar to ODBC, but specifically designed for Java applications

Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): While not a traditional API, an ORM is a programming technique that allows developers to interact with databases using object-oriented programming languages. It maps database objects to objects in the programming language, simplifying database operations.

Web APIs: These are APIs that allow applications to interact with a database over the internet using protocols like HTTP. Examples include RESTful APIs, GraphQL, and SOAP APIs.

Fetch API

A fetch API is a specialized type of API which is primarily used to retrieve data from servers or send data to servers. It's primarily used for making HTTP requests. A fetch API is also versatile when it comes to the types of data formats it can be used for.

Example Use Case: If there has been a CSV of lead data imported and stored into the database, a user could utilize a fetch API to pull certain pieces of data from this CSV based on a set of "promises" in the HTTP request.

Global Postback And Event API

A global postback is a postback that contains the same base URL and can be applied for numerous events. While a normal postback URL may be campaign specific, a global postback can be used for different campaigns for an entire organization.

The Events API allows users to use system generated events as well as create custom events in order to track conversion data and optimize your campaigns.

Campaign Level

Users may also utilize events and form APIs on the campaign level.

Form API

When a user has created a custom source or marketing partner, there are two primary ways to faciliate the distribution of lead data from the original source through Pingtree and to the final endpoint such as a CRM or dialer.

If you have an external domain or lander set up you may choose to send lead sources a tracking url which is a link to your domain or lander that contains certain parameters identifying the source the lead came from.

The other method is through a form API.

Commonly used via a "Host&Post" methodology of lead generation, our form API captures lead data of a user that was collected via the form of a 3rd party and fires it directly to the endpoint you've identified for that particular campaign.

When a user has created a custom source or marketing partner there's a unique API URL that's generated for this source. In addition to this URL, you're able to generate an authorization token, in Pingtree's case, it's a bearer token.

Both the API URL, the bearer token and any other field parameters that you wish to receive can be sent to this source. They will install this into their own systems which will result in the form data of these leads being distributed directly into your endpoint.

Event Postback

Event postbacks help users track certain events that occur to a lead throughout the entire time this lead is in your ecosystem.

You can assign multiple events, both conversion events and non-conversion events in these postbacks.

Whether you're using a system generated event or creating a new custom event, a unique event ID will be assigned to this event. When sending out postback URLs, you can add this event ID in the URL string.

When this specific event has occured, a postback will be fired and it will contain that specific event ID along with any other data you would like to have such as revenue generated from this event.

These postbacks are paramount for analyzing performance and tracking conversion data of your traffic.

Click Listing API

Your click listing API is automatically generated on the campaign level.

This API contains the instructions that will apply all of the UX/UI as well as the backend logic for your click listing buyers that you have created.

This API can be installed one of two ways, either via iframe or directly into the backend of the offer wall where the click listings will live.

An iframe is an HTML element that allows you to embed one web page (your click listings) within another webpage. It creates a window through which you can view content from a different source.

Media Integrations