
Campaign Overview

The Campaign Overview will give you the top line metrics and traffic performance to begin making better campaign decisions and actions.

Campaign Overview

This first tab will allow you to see all metrics and begin to manage the campaign. In this view you will aalos be able to tab over to:

  1. Financial
  2. Balance & Payouts
  3. Treehouse Requests

Campaign Setup

On the top portion of the campaign header is a button for Campaign Setup this is a form of SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) to build and launch a campaign with all the required settings. This is a easy to use check list for all users to engage with. To begin, click on the button for "Campaign Setup":

On the slide out you will see steps to complete and once they are completed the completion icon will change to a blue check mark.

Generation of Tracking Links is available from every view in the application and is on the top of the campaign header and viewed by clickcing on the button labeled "Tracking Identifiers". By clicking on this it will slide open a tracking link generator tool to build and copy your tracking link.

Campaign Overview

The Campaign Overview card will provide you with the overall metrics of the campaign for cost, revenue and other financial metrics. This card and the rest of the overview page can be updated to any date by using the date picker in the top right, on the card header.

Financial Statistics Card

The financial metric card will provide the key financial metrics for your campaign. To drill down more you would need to use the Financal Tab or Balance & Payouts Tab.

Metric Cards

The Metric Cards will show the current value, average and a comparison for today/yesterday to monitor financial performance. Currently there are (3) cards:

  1. Total Cost
  2. Gross Revenue
  3. Profit

Traffic Flow Sankey

The Sankey Chart is one of the best tools to analyzing how traffic and monetization is flowing through the campaign. Traditionally this is not visualized but rather read through data and interpreted as to the flow of traffic/monetization. This chart view will bring to life the flow and allow you to make observation/adjustments quickly and without any guesswork.

Reading The Sankey

Reading the Sankey Chart is easy and you need to start with selection of a Source and *Traffic Type - this will then then auto generate the chart and allow for a smooth read on traffic flow.

Source & Endpoint Metric Listings

On the bottom of the card are the sources and endpoints which are shown in the sankey chart. With baseline data, you will be able ot see how they are performing and quickly naviagte into the single view for the source or endpoint.

Website Integration