
Campaign Settings

Pingtree's campaign settings is where you'll find integration setup, payout structure, APIs and your event manager.

Settings Overview

Sit commodi iste iure molestias qui amet voluptatem sed quaerat. Nostrum aut pariatur. Sint ipsa praesentium dolor error cumque velit tenetur.

Availble Settings By Types

Sit commodi iste iure molestias qui amet voluptatem sed quaerat. Nostrum aut pariatur. Sint ipsa praesentium dolor error cumque velit tenetur quaerat exercitationem. Consequatur et cum atque mollitia qui quia necessitatibus.

General Settings

General settings will be the place you set up the domain level setup of a campaign.

You will add webflow and webflow redirect domains as well as external domains and redirect domains for your offer or web property.

With AWS Route53 functionality, Pingtree has made the integration of externally hosted domains as well as purchasing and integrating new domains fast and simple. Add in or purchase a new domain, point to the IP address provided and watch as your offer is seamlessly entered into your campaign.

Within this section, you will also add in scripts such as Google Tag manager. You may want to add in Jornaya or Blacklist Alliance into your offer. This will all be completed in general settings.

Domain Management

With AWS Route53, managing domains is a breeze.

Purchase a new domain or add in an existing domain. Point to the IP address given. Verify the domain.

After a few minutes you're sites and offers will be fully integrated.

Adding Scripts

Pingtree gives you the ability to add in scripts into your offer without needing the knowledge to code.

Simply click the "Add Script" button, enter in a name, and insert the script head and body in the appropriate sections and it will be applied to your offer instantly.

Price & Cost (Payout)

At the campaign level, you're able to set payout settings for both marketing partners and custom sources.

Add in all of your payout amounts, CAPs, time/day filters, geo filters, and custom rules which allow you to add conditions that will determine when, how and why a payout is given to a lead source.

There are two primary payout structures:

Fixed Cost: A set amount is paid out Revenue Share: A designated percentage of revenue returned is paid out.

All price and cost settings may be adjusted on the campaign level for all lead sources. You may also override the campaign payout settings within the source single view.

Price Management


Cost Management

Cost structure provides you with the flexibility to enable how the system generates and fires certain payouts based on the following structures.

Require Conversion Approvals: Toggle on if you want to manually approve payouts for each conversion that occurs. Payouts will not fire until approval has been given for each converted lead.

Allow for Duplicate Conversions: Toggle on if you want to allow duplicate conversions to be paid out.

Conversion Events Fire Postback & Pixes: Toggle on if you want a postback or pixel that's fired to generate a payout.

Enable Payout Conditions on Conversions: Toggle on in order to apply all of the payout conditions such as CAPs, time/day filters, geo filters and/or custom rules. Payouts will only be generated if all conditions are satisfied.

Click Script

The click script is what allows the Pingtree system to generate a transaction ID for leads that are being sent via tracking link or form API.

Click Script Implementaiton


Base Parameters


Choose how long you'd like to retain cookie storage from a preselected drop down or add a custom time period.

Add Custom Fields



With the rules and regulations surrounding lead generation quickly tightening, Pingtree will allow you to rest easy knowing that compliance is of the upmost importance to the Pingtree team and our users.

This is why Pingtree has added functionality that not only allows you to remain compliant, but also enhances how you are doing it.

Compliance Models

Pingtree has 3 different Consent structure you're able to choose from, each providing it's own benefits.

Compliance Advertiser Modal (Popup)

This consent structure will create a link that will launch a modal with ALL advertisers.

Compliance Single Option

This consent structure will produce the consent verbiage for the next advertiser or endpoint that meets CAP as well as the filters of your base routing settings.

Compliance Dynamic Verbiage


Managing Named Consents

Add in the overall consent language that will be added to your offer. Place words or phrases in {{double curly braces}} which will trigger the system to fire this content into the manage named consents modal.

Within the manage or add consents section of your compliance view, you're able to add in the consent name, write the custom verbiage/content for the advertiser and finally associate this with the advertiser or endpoint already established in your campaign.

Compliance Integration

Pingtree provides a dynamic integration script that you will either automatically be inherited by your offer if it's hosted in Pingtree.
