Core concepts

Campaign Strucutre

The campaign should be looked at as a collection of data sources, logic and endpoints. In simple, it is to organize from start to finsih all tracking, actions and places for traffic to go.

Campaign Structure

To best illustrate the campaign structure the chart below is to show how traffic goes in, the services that are applied and how it can stay/or exit to an external source.

One flow is meant to make the complex simple by laying out a linear flow from start to end. The entire campaign flow starts with tracking and this will enter as clicks, API requests and calls. This will start the attirbution process and will allow the user to set numerous conditons to the traffic and flow of the campaign.

Tracking Links are the most used tracking method in the Pingtree ecosystem and are simple to generate and use. To generate a tracking link simply navigate to the campaign of your choice and click on the Tracking Identifiers

Campaign Link Tracking

In this slide out you will have the ability to select the source, set parameters and type of redirection method. From here you can copy and use in your marketing channels, issue them to partners or set in any marketing material.

Tracking API Basics

Similar to the tracking links, tracking api's are used for those configurations where a form is posted into a campaign and need to be attributed to.

To access the tracking api, you will need to go to the campaign source single and view the tracking api menu option. This will give you the request details needed to make the api useable in a tracking format.

Campaign Strucutre

Supporting Modules

The campaign will hold the bulk of the functionality but will have support from other modules in the application that require a deeper degree of features than could be reasonably fit into the campaign views.

This means these modules will live outside the campaing but support them. This was designed to also allow you to traverse multiple campaigns with the same resources. For example, creatives in creative library. Stored in one place, used in many.

Creative Library

The Creative Library will be a centralized, external to the campaign, module that will allow you to have the ability to store, analyze and push to as many campaigns as you need.

Campaign Strucutre


Similar to the Creative Library, the Webflow will also function in a similar fasion in where a webflow and all of its intricies will be managed exteranlly and then associated into the campaign.

Campaign Strucutre


Databases will allow you the ability to stores collections of data and have the ability to push / pull from a campaign and conduct external processes to the data - such as sending to an external location, viewing on Looker or other software.

Campaign Strucutre
Using The Dashboard