

From the campaign level, you're able to assign and manage your created webflows.

Webflow Overview

Webflow overview will give you a list of all webflows that are currently assigned within the current campaign.

You are also able assign new webflows to the campaign through the "Assign Webflow" button.

Webflow Structure

Webflows are initially created at the organization level.

From your campaign webflow settings, you're able to assign and edit webflows.

Webflow Variations

Webflow variations are created at the orginization level in your webflow section.

These variations can be used for A/B testing or to direct certain sets of leads to a set variation depending on rule logic you're able to add.

Campaign Webflow Management

Manage all webflows assigned to your campaign. In here you have the ability to assign webflow routing rules, visualize webflow performance, update how traffic is routed between webflows, edit your current webflows and view the UI of your webflows from the POV of the user.

Viewing All Webflows

To view all webflows created, you would navigate into the webflow section of your organization. This will allow you to view all webflows created, regardless of the campaign it's assigned to.

Assigning A Webflow

In your Webflow view, select "Assign Webflow" and choose from a list of created webflows to attribute to your campaign.

Webflow Traffic Routing

Within your campaign, you may want to allocate a certain percentage of incoming traffic into each webflow.

For example if you have 4 webflows assigned in your campaign. Webflow A. Webflow B. Webflow C. Webflow D.

You may want to apply 25% of traffic routing evenly to each or you may want to drive 50% of traffic to Webflow A, 10% to Webflow B, and 20% to both Webflow C and D.

Creating Rule Sets

Within webflows, Pingtree has provided the functionality for applying routing rules in the same way you would apply it in campaign distribution.

Create rules using parameters passed in the webflow in order to control the flow of traffic depending on certain data the lead has selected or input in the webflow.

Webflow Performance

Webflow performance view provides you with a full breakdown of how each webflow is performing based on a number of performance metrics.

Make real-time adjustments to your webflow and/or traffic volume allocations.

Take all active webflows and compare the conversions and clicks each generate agaist an average baseline.

Variation Performance By Metric

In addition to viewing the webflow v.s. webflow performance data, you're also able to compare variations of each webflow to dial down the performance of your webflows the most granular level.

Webflow Table Metrics

The three main performance metrics webflows analytics will provide are:

  1. Clicks
  2. Calls
  3. Conversions

From this base set of data, Pingtree will provide conversion rates, clicks per conversion and an average performance baseline.

Estimated CVR & Learning Phase

Explore estimated Conversion Rate (CVR) and the learning phase within your webflows. Leverage these insights to refine your strategies. We humbly employ AI to provide a glimpse into potential conversions and improvements that can enhance your webflows.

Webflow Breakout View

Take a closer look at the finer details through the Webflow breakout view. This feature allows you to scrutinize your webflow variations, empowering you to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Analyzing Variations

Engage in a thoughtful analysis of variations to discern what's performing optimally within your webflow projects.

Best Variations

Uncover the top-performing variations within your webflow projects. With this knowledge, you can optimize your content and design to achieve the best possible results.

Webflow Settings

In webflow settings, you can include some dynamic options for your webflow page.

Choose whether you want the following features on your form by enabling the following:

  1. Header
  2. Progress Bar
  3. Validation Logic

Additionally you may choose where the lead is directed upon their submission of your form. Choose between the following:

  1. Click Listing Page
  2. Thank you page
  3. Redirect URL - You will need to manually add in the redirect URL for this option

Enabling Traffic Control

Simply toggle on the "Enable Percentage Routing" button to enable your traffic control functionality.

Setting Traffic Percentage

Fine-tune your traffic allocation for optimal outcomes. Break down traffic percentages to your liking.

With a friendly UI approach, Pingtree gives you a percentage bar to determine the traffic percentage settings for each webflow.

As you increase the percentage of one webflow, you will notice the percentages of the remaining webflows increase or decrease to ensure there is always a 100% allocation across the board.

Webflow Preview

Take a comprehensive look at the webflow from start to finish.

Viewing Your Webflow

Under the action column of your webflow table, select the "View Webflow" link to be redirected to your webflow editor.

Edit Webflow

Edit all aspects of your webflow within the webflow editor.

Selecting Webflow & Variation

From your campaign webflow view, select the "Edit Webflow" tab.

From this view, you will be able to select a webflow followed by the variation you wish to edit or view.

Using The Editor

Pingtree understands there's a limited number of users who have code-level knowledge so the webflow feature was created with this in mind.

In the webflow editor, you're able to enhance the UI and functionality of your webflow without any developer intervention.

Adding Elemnts

Add in unique elements into each step of your webflow forms to ensure you're collecting lead data in the most user-friendly way.

Each element contains different ways a lead may select or input their information.

Editing Steps

In each step you apply to your webflow forms you're able to customize the title of the step, what the "Next" and "Back" button read as and lastly add in base and custom events.

Adding Events

Pingtree provides the functionality to add base and custom events to fire on either a step or element.

If events are enabled within the element, you will be able to choose which event is applied and this will be taken from the event list in your campaign.

You will also be able to insert the field the event is firing on (if applicable).

Viewing Variation

From your campaign webflow view, select the "Edit Webflow" tab.

From this view, you will be able to select a webflow followed by the variation you wish to edit or view.

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