
Webflow Variations

Unleash your creativity with unlimited webflow variations for A/B testing and on-the-fly traffic routing adjustments.

Variation Basics

Webflow variations give the functionality of A/B split testing, without the need to utilize a separate platform or service.

Using Variations For Performance

Create numerous versions of the same webflow with minor tweaks to see which performs best.

Variation Strategy

Create a base webflow that will serve as your control webflow.

All variations created thereafter will be measured off of the base performance of that control webflow.

Determine base metrics you want to measure and tailor the UI and functionality of each variation.

Once you have accumulated enough performance data for each variation, you will be able to make a decision on which variation you want to use with confidence.

Editing A Variation

Edit webflow variations in the same way you edit a normal webflow. Simply select the base webflow and from the drop down menu, select which variation you wish to edit.

Preview A Variation

Preview webflow variations in the same way you edit a normal webflow. Simply select the base webflow and from the drop down menu, select which variation you want to preview. From this view, select the "Preview Webflow" button.

Creating a Webflow