Delpoy ads with confidence

A profitable campaign comes from a thoughtful build with precision execution. Launch quality campaigns in minutes.

Click Script
Event API
Postback API{
pid: PT.urlParameter('pid'),
cid: PT.urlParameter('cid'),
subids: PT.urlParameter('subids'),
source_id: PT.urlParameter('source_id'),
transaction_id: PT.urlParameter('transaction_id'),
parameters: {},


Getting started

From simple setup to advanced api use cases, this documentation will fully cover your implementation needs.

Core Concepts

Discover the core concepts and basic overview of using the Pingtree platform

Campaign Overview

Learn how campaigns are designed and the flow of traffic in your campaign.


Build and deploy high performing webflows and variations in minutes.

Creative Library

Track and measure creatives. Use the kanban to scale ad creatives.

Discover modules that work cohesively to build lightning fast campaigns that deploy easily and are updated without touching a single line of code.

Welcome To Pingtree 👋

This documentation will serve to help you build out your account quickly and efficiently. The best practice will be to review the core concepts before jumping into a campaign build to ensure that your structure supports the goals of the campaign.

Adding Your Team

Start by adding in your team members ot help support your platform ans inital build. You might need to review Role Based Access if your team falls outside the role of Admin or Account Manager.

Setup Role Based Access

Easily manage user access and visability in the application by setting us roles in just a few minutes. Role Based Access is great for multi-person teams and those having an external users on the account and want to ensure the account's security.

Role Based Access!

Role Based Access will help your organiztion set the right permissions for all users to operate securely in the application and have the proper access to the modules, data and settings. To setup this up beyond have the defualt roles of Admin and Account Manager, read here on how Role Based Access works.

Pingtree Architecture

Pingtree is a platform that is "Campaign Based" with supportive modules and services. The core of the application will revolve around the Campaign Structure.

Application Structure

There are quite a few menu items, however the most important one will be the "All Campaigns". Where you will be able to create, manage and conduct the bulk of your campaign operations. All other functionality will be supportive to the Campaign.

Campaign Strucutre

Campaign Structure

The Campaign Structure is built to supply a linear flow from traffic sources to endpoints (such as forms, click listings or advertisers). This flow is designed to help the user manage a campaign starting with Sources and ending with Endpoints. Most people do not user the naming convention of Sources and Endpoints but rather terms such as Media Channel or Publisher (Source Examples) and Webite/Form, Buyer, Advertiser, Offer Wall (Endpoint Examples). Whatever your convention is, the flow is from start to finish.

Campaign Strucutre

Best Practice: Setup a demo campaign and use Postman to send in data to see it flow through the application and populate the application

Campaign Setup Checklist

Follow this quick start steps to launch your first campaign quickly and ensure all is setup properly. Use the navigation in each step to learn more about a particular step.

1. Create Campaign

Step one is to setup a base campaign to begin placing all of the settings. To do this navigate {Side Menu: Campaings => Create Campaign}. To have additonal details for setting up a new campaign visit Campaign Setup

2. Setup Campaign Domain Settings

To stup proper domain pointing to your Pingtree account and link your site to the campaign, review in greater detial by visitng Campaing Domain Settings

3. Set Payout & Cost Settings

For Lead Generation campaigns you will need to setup Payouts and Cost settings so that all the reporting is working and analyzing your data properly. Don't worry, if you dont need Payout or Cost models you can leave deafult. For more on how to manage these structures, view setup steps: Payout & Cost Models

4. Integrate Site or Use Webflow

Pingtree allows the flexinility for using pre-built webflow templates or to integrate your existing site. To properly configure a campaing with a web property you will need to review the steps at Campaign Webflow

5. Create A Source

Sources is the naming convention for any traffic type or channel to engage with your campaign. This could mean Facebook, Direct Mail, Publisher and on and on. To see how Pingtree bipurcates traffic raad this setup for Manage Sources & Channels

6. Create A Endpoint

Creating an Endpoint will allow you to send the traffic to where it needs to go. this could be an offer wall, click buyer, redirect link, thank you page, lead routing and place you would need to send traffic to.

7. Test Workflow

If you build it, you must test it! We make your end-to-end testing a breeze so that you can launch your campaign / build with confidence.

Support From Team Pingtree

Team Pingtree provides onbaording support for every new account and support to get the first campaing off to a good start. For additonal support, Pingtree provides a few resources to help assist you with varying levels of support.

In-Application Support

In your account you will see a small support widget on the lower right of your screen. To access live support for chat and video calls (for screen sharing) simply click on the icon to launch access to the support team.

To learn more about the levels of support offer by Pintree, click here to learn about the levels of support offered by Pingtree.

Level One Builds

Level One Builds is a service level provided by Pingtree to support enterprise business real-time engineering and product based support that is dedicated and familiar with your account’s configuration.

Learn more about how to upgrading your account to a Level One Build