Core concepts

Using The Dashboard

The Pingtree dashbaord was designed to give you a complete 30,000 foot view of all campaign and performance metrics. This comprehensive view will provide the quickest ability to analyze and navigate the application.

Dashboard Performance Chart

The Dashboard Performance Chart allows for a quick and accurate assesment of all or a single campaign. This chart bridges campaign performance and the operations of a campaign into one complete view that will help assist in analyzing the relationship between performance and actions taken on the campaign.

Campaign Dashboard

Chart Metrics

Chart Metrics This comprehensive and complete campaign will analyze and present layered data on key metrics that show histroic performance and material events that influenced the campaigns performance.

When using this chart the you will have the ability layer by:

  1. Selecting a campaign
  2. Selecting a metric
  3. Applying a date range
  4. Including indicators

Event Indicators

The chart will allow you to set Event Indicators that will allow the ability to set markers on the chart to indicate where changes, events and other material actions have taken place to the campaign. These indicators are meant to assit you in discovering what campaign changes are being made and the relationship between those actions and performance.

Event Indicator Types

Indicators are seperated by types for the user to pick and choose from several types of indicators and apply them at the same time to layer in cause / effect into the chart.

Sources - Partners & Custom Sources

This will indicate the Source Addition to the campaign
ImageThis will show when a Payout Value Decreased has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Payout Value Increased has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Cap Decrease has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Cap Increase has occurred

Endpoints - Distribution

ImageThis will indicate the Endpoint Addition to the campaign
ImageThis will show when a Cost Value Decresed has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Cost Value Increased has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Cap Decrease has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Cap Increase has occurred
ImageThis will show when a Reject Decrease has occured
ImageThis will show when a Reject Increase has occurred

Click Listing

ImageThis will indicate the Listing Addition to the campaign
ImageThis will show when a Listing Rank Increase has occured
ImageThis will show when a Listing Rank Decrease has occured

Media Channels

ImageThis will indicate the Media Channel Addition to the campaign
ImageThis will show when an Adspend Decresed has occured
ImageThis will show when an Adspend Increased has occured

Media Channels

ImageThis will indicate the User Addition to the campaign
ImageThis will show when a User Made A Change occur

Metric and Event Relationship

The purpose of this is to set a visual of change that is outside external events and focus sqaurely on how your business is operationalized and making chnages and decisions - as these decisions will have the greatest impact on your campaign.

Campaign Quick Metrics

Quick Navigation Tiles

There are many locations in the application for a user to navigate to and operate the application. The quick tiles are supportive to you in that it will quickly navigate you to the core functionality. This is a dashboard convivence feature, similar to the application tabs.

Simply click on the quick links for quaick navigation to various modules in the application. These modules will set a session tab and allow you to tab back if needed.

Campaign Quick Links

Campaign Overview & Financial Metrics

The Campaign Financial Metrics will show you the overall financial metrics and how the campaigns are doing as a whole. Using the dashboard filters you can add and filter this table. This table will have a card header that will show the base metrics:

The main chart will show campaings that have been selected in the dashboard filters slide out.

The lower portion of this card will show the listings of campaings in which you will have the ability to quickly naviagte and manage that particular campaign

Dashboard Filters

To open the dashboard filters click on the header of the card to slide open the options filter view. Here you will be able to select all the filters that will update the dashboard and charts / metrics.

Quick Metrics

There are focused KPI / Metrics or data points that are most relevant to you. In your account, you can set preferences to see these metric cards and the data you want for quick review and analyzation.

Quick Metric Cards

You can add as many cards as you wish and add as many data points to them. These cards (once the view cannot support it) will scroll horizontally.

You will also have the ability to drag and drop them as to your preference and an order that makes sense to you.

Adjust Metric Cards

To adjust these cards you need to click on the right hand side Adjust Metric Cards and that will open up a metric card editor.

When the slide out appears you can enabled, sort and add to the cards shown. Simple edit and close and your card will now be updated.

Campaign Quick Performance

For those who will run many campaigns or seperate their marketing by type, vertical or other filter the campaign quick performance will show multiple campaigns to one view and display group stats on the footer.

Campaign Quick Performance Chart

This chart is to help you see the volume and metrics totalled across several different campaigns.

Changing Card Metrics

To change metric cards you need to click on the lower right where it is labeled Metrics and this will slide out the metric adjustment panel.

To adjust the metrics drag from the left to the right and the selected metric will now show on the dashboard.
